How do I build an amazing LinkedIn network?


Why aren’t you spending more time networking with people that inspire you? Are you scared? Do you feel like an imposter? Is it because you don’t know what to say? Do you feel like an outsider? Are you too inexperienced? I totally empathize with you. The good news is I’m about to provide you with 1 practical example template that will help you build an amazing network using LinkedIn. 

FYI - I used this method for less than 5 months to network with over 400 amazing startup founders, influencers, professional athletes, venture capitalists, and enterprise executives. 

The purpose of this exercise is to build relationships with people that inspire you. That is all. 


In other words, you’re not tricking them into a sales call, you're actually building a relationship. 

Note: This example template will increase your likelihood of success, but be aware that rejection is part of the process. 

Do the following...

Put together a list of 100-500 contacts that inspire you and reach out to them on LinkedIn. 

The following template should give you a good start….

“Hey (blank), 

Hope you’re doing well. Your background in (blank) is super impressive, and I’m really interested in the work you’re doing with (relevant blank that you’re actually interested in). I also see that we are mutually connected to (blank that you actually know). 

I would love to jump on a call and explore some ways we can support each other. I work in (relevant blank), so I felt that this would be a mutually beneficial conversation. Looking forward to hearing from you.”

Keep it simple. Tweak it. Throw it out. Make it your own. Be unique. 

Other factors that will increase your chances of receiving a positive response….

  • Make sure you have a great LinkedIn bio, professional profile picture, and cool background pic.

  • Beef up your LinkedIn profile with career details, content, recommendations etc. 

  • Consistently post really interesting, informational, and relevant content.

  • Start creating your own content. 

  • Start engaging on posts, pages, and content that’s relevant to your interests and your desired network’s interests. 

  • Before you reach out to a target contact, think of 1-2 pieces of value and/or relevant information you can share with that individual. You need to be in the mindset of giving for the sake of giving. 

  • Examples of giving include valuable intros, relevant information, buy their book and write a review, share their video with your comments, share valuable resources, offer your expertise as a friendly gesture if appropriate, etc.

That’s it! Don’t overcomplicate it. Go out and build the network you’ve always wanted! No Excuses! You can do it! 

Also, don’t be afraid to express your uniqueness and creativity. Send a note and attach a video, a song, or a funny clip. Your uniqueness will help you stand out. 

Comment below some examples that have successfully helped you build your network using LinkedIn. 

Thank you for reading this post! I wish you nothing but success!

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Thank you!

Shahan Khoshafian
Co-Founder @ Startup Assistant


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